Global & Local Missions
Asia Pacific | Ethnos 360
Jared & Melanie Currie
The Curries minister to an unreached people group in Asia Pacific. For years they have worked with a team to do translation work and teaching that reaches the people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Uganda | Jenga Community Development
Sarah Jantzen
Sarah ministers and cares for ten children in Uganda. In addition to raising these children, she is also building curriculum to train churches on how to do foster care ministry in Uganda.
Kodiak, Alaska | Send International
Mark & Heather Overbeek
The Overbeeks minister in Kodiak, Alaska with Send North Missions. Mark pastors a local church and Heather leads women’s Bible study events. Their family also puts on youth Bible camps and outreach events.
Big Lake, Alaska | Pioneers
Billy & Erica Tjernlund
The Tjernlunds minister as a missionary piloting family for Pioneers and Great Commission Alaska Outreach out of Big Lake, Alaska. In addition to piloting, they also work with a recovery lodge for those coming out of addiction and a youth Bible camp.
Alberta, Canada | Northern Canada Evangelical Mission
Tom & Donna Cnossen
The Cnossens minister in Alberta, Canada to the Maskwacis community. They lead local church and camp ministries in partnership with Northern Canada Evangelical Mission.
Organization: Mission India
Mission India's vision is to see India transformed by the love of Christ. Their mission is to equip India's Christians to plant reproducing churches. They accomplish this through children's Bible clubs, adult literacy classes, and church planter training.
Allegan & Kent County Jails
Organization: Reach the Forgotten Jail Ministry
Reach the Forgotten Jail Ministry go into local county jails and minister to the inmates and correctional staff. They organize worship services in the jail and lead daily Bible Studies helping with overcoming addictions and reconciling relationships.