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There's a place for you here.

Get Involved 


Fill out a Connect Card on Sunday morning

When you visit us, fill out a connect card and that will begin our onboarding process. You will receive a welcome email with next steps to get connected into the life of the church. Click the button below to fill out a virtual connect card.


Membership Class

If you are interested in becoming a member, this is a required class. Come find out what it means to be a member at Peace Church Wayland, learn about our theology and philosophy as a church, and how you can get involved in our ministries. Click the button below to sign up for an upcoming class.


Jump into a group & on a team

Jump into a community group or on a serve team. And for clarity, membership is not a requirement for a group or a team.


Community Group: Community Groups are a space where you get to grow in community with God and one another, using the gifts that the Lord has given you to build up the body of Christ. Groups are for everyone, in any stage of life, and every person offers a unique contribution to this smaller expression of the people of God.


Serve Team: A new church is exciting! And a new church is a lot of work! We need all of usto come together and join a Sunday morning Serve Team.

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